

Visual Stimulation

Constant exposure to high contrast images helps babies increase their concentration. Absorbing information better and learn better.


Brain Development

The baby’s brain thrives with visual and sound input it receives causing nerve cells to multiply and form a multitude of connections with other nerve cells.


Islamic Themed

Islamic teachings which comprise of Ibadah (practice), Akhlak (manners) and Aqidah (faith) are the central themes.


EQ Development

Spending quality time by reading and talking to your baby is essential for their healthy emotional development.


How Does It Work

Research on Babies Vision


Soft pastels – a favourite in baby toys and nurseries – may look pretty to you, but in actuality, they do nothing visually for your baby.

Research has proven that black and white contrasts register powerfully on the baby’s retina and send the strongest visual signals to the baby’s brain. Stronger signals mean more brain growth and faster visual development.

Soft pastel colours do not register well with your baby's retina. Surrounding them with these colours and you might as well blindfold your baby. Surround your baby with black and white or light and dark pictures,  your baby’s eyes will light up.

Black and white contrasts register powerfully on the baby’s retina and send the strongest visual signals to the baby’s brain.


How to read this book to your baby

Tips: Hold the book 20-30centimtres away from your baby

Hold the book 20 - 30 centimetres away from your baby


Slowly move the book to the right or the left  and let your baby follow 


Allow your baby to look at each image for 10 to 15 seconds